Date of Award

Summer 8-1-1964

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)



First Advisor

M. Doyle Koontz

Second Advisor

Donald G. Goetschius

Third Advisor

Charles Wright


Many programs, some old and some new, are finding their way into the elementary school for the purpose of individualizing instruction. As more research is completed in the areas of individual differences, more experimentation and change are the results. Attempts to individualize instruction seem to fall into two categories. The organization and structure of schools and school programs is one area where changes have been made, based on research, to better serve the individual. The methods used by teachers, working within certain organizational patterns is another attempt to promote the well being of the individual. It may be said that individualization could take as many forms as there are individuals. Therefore, the responsibility of teachers and administrators becomes more complex as we advance on the frontiers ot individual differences.
