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World Languages

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For students of Classical Latin such a term as ablative, for instance, has a twofold meaning: it is a label for a form; and it is a label for several functions. But, by reason of the disappearance of distinctive case function in Vulgar Latin, it is incorrect to continue to use the term ablative as the label for a form which no longer has its original Classical Latin ablative function.

It is a well-established fact that by the eighth or ninth century all distinction between the oblique cases in Vulgar Latin had disappeared. What is not well established is a terminology to indicate this change.

Such a question has led me to make this study. I have gone through a printed edition of an eighth or ninth century manuscript of the Vita Eufrosine. This text is particularly rich in romanismes and confusions. In it I have studied the prepositional phrases, and tried to organize the evidence they afford of the effect of the preposition on the breakdown of case function.


This article was originally published in Studies in Literature and Philology.


​Studies in Literature and Philology

Available for download on Sunday, January 01, 2034
