
Determinants of Success on the ETS Business Major Field Exam for Students in an Undergraduate Multisite Regional University Business Program

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Department or Administrative Unit


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Extending previous studies, the authors examined a larger set of variables to identify predictors of student performance on the Educational Testing Service Major Field Exam in Business, which has been shown to be an externally valid measure of student learning outcomes. Significant predictors include gender, whether students took the SAT, and grades (using grade point averages for either business core and preadmission courses, or loadings on four factors identified as general, quantitative, accounting, and management). Site (on- or off-campus), age, transfer status, and major (accounting vs. business administration) were not significant. In a further extension of previous studies, the authors discovered significant interactions between some predictors.


This article was originally published in Journal of Education for Business. The full-text article from the publisher can be found here.

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Journal of Education for Business
