Document Type

Graduate Project

Date of Degree Completion

Summer 1976

Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)



Committee Chair

J. Wesley Crum

Second Committee Member

Donald G. Goetschius

Third Committee Member

Byron L. DeShaw


Small school districts rarely have curriculum direction, let alone curriculum guides. This writer has often overheard staff members exclaim, "It would help so much if I knew what I am supposed to teach," or "It would be nice if there was some planned progression that students were exposed to." Small school districts usually cannot afford the luxury of specialized curriculum staff working on curriculum projects.

This writer, along with two other staff members was fortunate to attend a health education workshop sponsored by ESD No. 112 in the fall of 1974. A process of curriculum development for health education was one of the items explained at the workshop. The process, with modifications, could provide a small school district the means by which curriculum development becomes a continuing reality.

As a result of the completion of this project, this writer will have led staff members through a process by which they will have become better acquainted with their respective responsibilities in teaching health education.