Graduate Project Title
Document Type
Graduate Project
Date of Degree Completion
Spring 2005
Degree Name
Master of Education (MEd)
Committee Chair
Lee A. Plourde
Second Committee Member
Linda Woody
Third Committee Member
Steven A. Schmitz
The main focus of the project was to develop resources that will use music as a tool to improve literacy and support learning in third grade self contained classrooms. Research provides strong data connecting the relationship of music to academic achievement, language arts and improved test scores. This project provides prototype lesson plans that support grade level expectations and uses t4e Washington State Essential Academic Learning Requirements as a basis for the concepts being taught. A unit of lesson plans was developed that integrates music into the language arts. Worksheets, graphic organizers and a music book list were developed as resources for self contained third grade classroom teachers.
Recommended Citation
Foreman, Gail, "Using Music as a Classroom Tool" (2005). All Graduate Projects. 867.
Included in
Curriculum and Instruction Commons, Educational Methods Commons, Elementary Education Commons, Language and Literacy Education Commons, Music Education Commons