Document Type


Date of Degree Completion

Winter 1972

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Fine Arts

Committee Chair

Janis John Agars

Second Committee Member

Margaret Ahrens Sahlstrand

Third Committee Member

Christos John K. Papadopoulos


This study deals with the printmaking technique of embossing to create visual effects with "non-associative" forms. The prints presented deal with the realm of space and an atmosphere unrelated to our present environment or concepts of gravity. Several visual conflicts were achieved by overlapping objects, creating textured surfaces, and varying thickness, size, location, and shape of forms. Serigraphy, spray paint, flocking, and reflective beads were introduced in some of the prints presented in order to enhance the effect of embossing.

For the viewer to become involved with transparent "non-associative" objects was the main objective. The technique was limited to embossing in order to explore the process in some depth. From this study further work with combining color and embossing could develop.

1795-etd-bravetti-1972-supplement.pdf (11730 kB)
Fifteen film slide scans of the prints presented in this thesis.

Included in

Printmaking Commons
