Howard Scott Video Interview
Howard Scott
Howard Scott talks about his life before coming to Central and the struggles he faced to earn his Master's degree. He also has advice for those seeking to implement change.
Jack Carpenter Video Interview
Jack Carpenter
Jack Carpenter talks about growing up in central California and adventures he had before and after coming to Central Washington State College in 1973. He discusses some significant historical events he witnessed during his time in the Navy. He also discusses some extensive bicycle trips and how he came to stay in Ellensburg.
Ron and Wayne Erickson Audio Interview
Ron Erickson and Wayne Erickson
Ron and Wayne talk abut growing up in Ellensburg and other memories of coming of age in Washington. They discuss family and friends and how things have changed over the years.
Rik Dalvit and Thomas Shapley Video Interview
Rik Dalvit and Thomas Shapley
Rik Dalvit and Thomas Shapley talk about starting their careers in journalism at Central Washington State College. They tell about notable events and professors they remember. They talk about campus life and what the town and college were like in the early 1970's. They also discuss other notable events and places in their careers as newspaper men.
John Sinclair Video Interview
John Sinclair
John SInclair talks about his experiences in the paramedicine program at Central and his career teaching after college.
Sharryn Larsen Walker Video Interview
Sharryn Larsen Walker
Sharryn Larsen Walker talks about her time at Central Washington University. She discusses the Spring of 1980 when she was a freshman. The Mount Saint Helens eruption happened in May that year and she discusses the impact it had on the college and region. Dr. Sharryn Larsen Walker is a Professor of Literacy at CWU.
Allan Wells Video Interview
Allan Wells
Alan Wells recalls his time at Central Washington State College, where he was a member of the track team.
James Wickerath Video Interview
James Wickerath
James Wickerath discusses his experiences in the CWU para-medicine program. He also mentions how his father came to CWU and getting to know Dorothy Purser, first as a neighbor and later as an instructor.
Carlos Pelley's CAT tale
Carlos Pelley
Carlos Pelley talks about memories of Central Washington University and presenting at history conferences.
Delores Dewing Video Interview
Delores Dewing
Delores Dewing tells about her time at Central Washington College of Education.
Roland Dewing Video Interview
Roland Dewing
Roland Dewing talks about his education at Central and early life after graduation.
Kenneth Munsell Video Interview
Kenneth Munsell
Kenneth Munsell shares fond memories of his time as a student at Central. He discusses the streaking craze of the 1970's and other interesting events during his time working for the student newspaper.
Kay Nuckles Video Interview
Kay Nuckles
Kay Nuckles shares a story about her time at Central Washngton College of Education.
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Larry Pinnt Video Interview
Larry Pinnt
Larry Pinnt talks about his major at Central Washington College of Education and his life after graduation.
Elaine Ras Video Interview
Elaine Ras
Elaine Ras tells a story about here time at Central about a memorable event in Hertz Hall.
Shirley Pearsall Richards Video Interview
Shirley Richards
Shirley Pearsall Richards shares her story about coming to Central.
Norm Wallen Video Interview
Norman Wallen
Norm Wallen tells about making copies before copy machines in Hertz Hall at Central Washington State College.
Spike Arlt Coach Award Video
Walter Arlt
Spike Arlt receives the coach award from the Central Athletes of Track at the reception after the Spike Arlt Invitation Track meet in April 2017
Sandra K. Carlson Video Interview
Sandra K. Carlson
Sandra Carlson talks about attending Central and working in the library as a student. She also discusses her career as a school teacher and her work with the Central Parents group.
Dale Comstock Video Interview
Dale Comstock
Dale Comstock discusses being a student and then later, a faculty member at Central Washington University.
Ronald Frye Video Interview
Ronald M. Frye
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Ronald Frye shares his story of coming to central before and after service in the military during the Korean War. Later he became Dean of Professional Studies. He also discusses how he met his spouse at Central.
Bob Johnson Video Interview
Bob Johnson
Bob Johnson tells about his time at Central as attack and cross country athlete and an incident at the national track meet and suffering heat exhaustion during a marathon.
Gregory Moore Video Interview
Gregory Moore
Interview was conducted at an event for Central alumni from the 1950's, 1960's, and 1970's held at Bogies Golf House in Auburn Washington on June 29, 2017.
Darwin Nelson Video Interview
Darwin Nelson
Darwin Nelson talks about attending central in the 1950's. He was in Air Force ROTC and graduated in 1957. He discusses work ethic and memorable subjects he studied.
Darwin F. Nelson and Nina E. Nelson (Eileen)
Darwin F. Nelson and Nina Nelson
Darwin and Nina Nelson share how they met at Central and started a family.Three generations of their family have gone to Central Washington University.
This collection features interviews with former students and alumni of Central Washington University. Cat Tales are brief oral histories and remembrances of Central Washington University. We asked alumni and friends of Central Washington University to share a fond remembrance of their time at Central.
If you have a story you would like to share please contact the University Archives and Special collections at archive@cwu.edu for details about how you can share you Cat Tale with the world.
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