
Forecasting Task-technology Fit: The Influence of Individuals, Systems and Procedures on Forecast Performance

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Department or Administrative Unit


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This study establishes and tests a theoretically-based model of forecasting practice. Forecasting Task-Technology Fit (FTTF) addresses the relationship between forecasting support systems, the procedures that guide forecast creation, and their fit with the capabilities of the forecasting support system user. An analysis of survey responses collected from 216 forecasting practitioners confirms a positive relationship between specific forecasting support system characteristics and the system user’s perceptions of system quality and access. The results also support a positive relationship between the system user’s perceptions of the quality of, and their access to, procedures that guide forecast creation and their perceptions of system quality and access. Finally, the results confirm a positive relationship between the user’s assessment of system quality and access and a dependent variable measuring forecast performance.


This article was originally published in International Journal of Forecasting. The full-text article from the publisher can be found here.

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International Journal of Forecasting


Copyright © 2009 International Institute of Forecasters.
