
The Effect of Social Security on Personal and Private Saving in the Short Run and the Long Run: A Time Series Analysis

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Department or Administrative Unit


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This paper investigates the impact of social security payments on persona and private saving in the U.S. in the short run and the long run. Annual data ranging frorr 1959 to 2003 are used to investigate this relationship. The long run investigation of the relationship between Social Security and saving is undertaken within the confines oJ Johansen's ( 1988) testing framework. Its results indicate that Social Security and personal and private saving are related in the long run. Vector error correction (VEC) estimation is used to analyze the impact of Social Security on personal and private saving in the shor1 run. The test results indicate that Social Security has a negative causal impact on saving in the short run. (H55)


This article was originally published in The Journal of Economics (MVEA). The full-text article from the publisher can be found here.

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The Journal of Economics


Copyright © 2006 Missouri Valley Economic Association
