
Spark-Based Cluster Implementation of a Bug Report Assignment Recommender System

Document Type

Conference Presentation

Department or Administrative Unit

Computer Science

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The use of recommenders for bug report triage decisions is especially important in the context of large software development projects, where both the frequency of reported problems and a large number of active developers can pose problems in selecting the most appropriate developer to work on a certain issue. From a machine learning perspective, the triage problem of bug report assignment in software projects may be regarded as a classification problem which can be solved by a recommender system. We describe a highly scalable SVM-based bug report assignment recommender that is able to run on massive datasets. Unlike previous desktop-based implementations of bug report triage assignment recommenders, our recommender is implemented on a cloud platform. The system uses a novel sequence of machine learning processing steps and compares favorably with other SVM-based bug report assignment recommender systems with respect to prediction performance. We validate our approach on real-world datasets from the Netbeans, Eclipse and Mozilla projects.


This article was originally published in ICAISC 2017: Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing. The full-text article from the publisher can be found here.

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ICAISC 2017: Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing


© Springer International Publishing AG 2017
