Rufus Woods was a long-time co-owner and editor of the Wenatchee Daily World. He advocated for the construction of Grand Coulee Dam in Washington state. During the war years, he pressed for defense contracts for the region and highlighted the importance of the newly completed dam. He also endorsed the need for more dams to fulfill the war-time power needs of the Columbia Valley. For more information, please see the Rufus Woods Papers.

West Canal 3

West Canal 3

Columbia Irrigation Project Development Farm 22

Columbia Irrigation Project Development Farm 22

West Powerhouse, Grand Coulee Dam

West Powerhouse, Grand Coulee Dam

Workers Excavating Bedrock, Grand Coulee Dam

Workers Excavating Bedrock, Grand Coulee Dam

Traffic Accident

Traffic Accident

Traffic Accident 2

Traffic Accident 2

West Canal 4

West Canal 4

South Dam, Columbia Basin Project

South Dam, Columbia Basin Project

Scroll Case 3

Scroll Case 3

Bacon Siphon 2

Bacon Siphon 2

South Coulee Dam

South Coulee Dam

Right Powerhouse Training Wall

Right Powerhouse Training Wall