Document Type
Department or Administrative Unit
Publication Date
Fall 2013
This article discusses the multiple, competing discourses surrounding the relocation of the Yakima Indian Agency during the 1920s-1930s. Specifically, it considers whether Yakama Indians were able to exercise agency in their fight against government officials and businessmen during the relocation debate, and how they did so by appropriating the discourse of the women's clubs in the Pacific Northwest. As an entry point to these discourses, the article uses the work of a particular women, Margaret Splawn, who stood at the nexus between business, women's club, and indigenous interests in her West.
Recommended Citation
Anderson, Talea. ''I Want My Agency Moved Back ... , My Dear White Sisters": Discourses on Yakama Reservation Reform, 1920s-1930s. Pacific Northwest Quarterly. 104:4 (Fall 2013): 178-187.
Pacific Northwest Quarterly
© 2013 University of Washington
The image on page 179 is incorrectly identified as Margaret Splawn, circa 1888. The image actually shows a classmate of Splawn's--Leah Jeffers Baker.
This article was originally published in The Pacific Northwest Quarterly. The full-text article from the publisher can be found here.