Date of Award

Summer 8-1-1966

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)



First Advisor

D. Daryl Basler

Second Advisor

Donald G. Goetschius

Third Advisor

Charles Wright


Many teachers in their formative years have a balance between their academic subject field and methods of lesson presentation, but are still in doubt at times of which method presents a certain idea or concept best. These teachers realize that their work will continue to improve as they gain additional teaching experience and further education. Regardless of the experiences provided, a need arises for the individual to experiment and to determine through experimental research whether his instruction is reaching the majority of his students. If research seems to point out that many of the teacher's students are not benefiting from his method of presentation, then this would perhaps indicate that a different approach should be used. In this treatise a teacher is experimenting, hopeful that the statistical analysis of the data will help him better evaluate his program.
