Date of Award

Summer 8-1-1962

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)



First Advisor

Charles W. Vlcek

Second Advisor

George L. Sogge

Third Advisor

Stanley A. Dudley


Electronics is now being taught in the Highline District in one course for one year in each of the four high schools. There are no formal district objectives tor this course, no sequence of instruction, no list of course content. The writer has felt the need for the above and has interviewed all four instructors in the district and the assistant superintendent of instruction. It was agreed that in order to provide a more meaningful, correlated program, it would be necessary to have such a district-wide course of study developed. In view of this, the writer has attempted to develop a course in electronics for the Highline School District. This course will be based on selected materials from authoritative sources in this field in order to provide the newest methods and techniques and the best available units and sequences of instruction.
