Date of Award

Summer 8-1-1967

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)



First Advisor

James L. Kennison

Second Advisor

Robert N. Irving, Jr.

Third Advisor

John E. Davis


There is no other area in education that is more directly involved and has the potential for liability involvement than physical education. It is within this program that more accidents occur than in any other area within the school system. It becomes, therefore, very important for all physical education instructors to be aware of their legal situation. In recent years an increased number of court decisions have held that the physical education instructor is responsible for those injuries suffered by pupils under his instruction. Many excellent physical education programs have been ruined as a result of an instructor being found negligent in the performance of his duties. For this reason it is extremely important that the physical education instructor and/or coach have a thorough knowledge of their legal responsibilities to the public, pupils and themselves
