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Department or Administrative Unit
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A self-consistent framework for the study of the electronic level structure of finite superlattices has been proposed. One of the surface states (Tamm states) found in our calculation crosses the Fermi energy in the energy gap when the depletion effect near the surface increases. We have shown the existence of low-energy Tamm states in our calculation when the surface barrier is lower than that of the interior. The electronic excitations of the superlattice have been studied via the electron-energy-loss function within the random-phase approximation. Two plasmon modes (well above the phonon response frequency) due to the Tamm states have also been found. We believe these plasmon modes can be observed by high-resolution electron-energy-loss spectroscopy.
Recommended Citation
Yu, R. H. (1993). Self-consistent determination of electronic structure and elementary excitations of finite modulation-doped superlattices. Physical Review B, 47(23), 15692–15699.
Physical Review B
© 1993 American Physical Society
This article was originally published in Physical Review B. The full-text article from the publisher can be found here.