Perceptions of School Psychologists Regarding Barriers to Response to Intervention (RTI) Implementation

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As Response to Intervention (RTI) models continue to be implemented, an important research question is how school psychologists are experiencing the transition to RTI practice. In order to better understand the experiences of school psychologists, interviews with seven practicing school psychologists regarding their perceptions of barriers and challenges to successful implementation of RTI were conducted. Participants identified a number of potential barriers and challenges, including the need for leadership, structural barriers such as lack of time and training, and resistance from school staff, including school psychologists. These findings should help inform professional development for school psychologists making the transition to practice in an RTI model, and also help in understanding the many possible barriers that arise when attempting significant educational reform efforts such as RTI.


This article was originally published in Contemporary School Psychology. The full-text article from the publisher can be found here.

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Contemporary School Psychology


© California Association of School Psychologists 2014
