
Written Comprehension Questions: A Discussion Technique for Second Grade


Irma Ramos

Document Type

Graduate Project

Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)



First Advisor

Dr. Minerva Caples


The project was developed to provide an instructional technique through which second graders can discuss their basal stories with their peers using written comprehension questions as a discussion guide for answering story-specific questions. Four levels of thinking skills were identified here: literal, inference, evaluation, and appreciation. A review of the literature supported the proposition that basal story discussion questions concentrate mostly on the lower levels of thinking skills, such as recall and locating information. Therefore, it has been determined that if students are going to spend a considerable amount of time on independent seatwork, that seatwork should be more closely related to reading. The materials developed in this project correspond to the stories of the Ginn reading series for levels seven and eight. The materials are made up of one set of four comprehension questions per story, one question for each level of thinking skills.


File available in Archives of Brooks Library at CWU

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