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Creation Date
From a second floor window of the Washington National Bank, formerly the Ben Snipes Bank, this photograph was taken looking west down Fourth Avenue at the intersection of Fourth and Pearl Street. The large Cadwell-Olympic Building housed the Elwood Drug Store. At the west end of the block were the O. B. Castle and Rehmke Buildings. Many local farmers and rancher ventured into town to purchase supplies and catch-up on area news on a wintery Saturday in 1901. Most of the men and boys rode in wagons with attached runners which made easy pulling for a team of horses.Photograph titled in handwritten ink "St. Scene in Winter Ellensburg Wash. 1901."
Recommended Citation
"Winter Street Scene I" (1901). Ellensburg History Photographs. 125.
Local History Collection Photographs, Ellensburg Public Library
Ellensburg (Wash.) -- Streets, Historic, Historic streets -- Washington (State) -- Ellensburg, Streets -- Washington (State) -- Ellensburg, City & town life -- Washington (State) -- Ellensburg, Commercial streets -- Washington (State) -- Ellensburg, Fourth Street (Ellensburg, Wash.), Pearl Street (Ellensburg, Wash.), Cadwell - Olympic Building (Ellensburg, Wash.), Elwood Drug Store (Ellensburg, Wash.), Castle (O. B.) Building (Ellensburg, Wash.), Rehmke Building (Ellensburg, Wash.), Winter scenes -- Washington (State) -- Ellensburg