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Deep snow filled the streets and was piled high on the sidewalks during the winter of 1916 in Ellensburg. People struggled to cross the streets, keep the walks cleared or navigate horse and buggy through the mounds of snow. Looking north on Pearl Street at the intersection of Pearl Street and Fourth Avenue, the very northeastern corner of the Geddis Building is in view, next was the large Cadwell-Olympic Building which housed the Elwood Drug Store. Continuing up Pearl Street behind the three-globed street lamp can be seen the Lynch Building which was one of the very few buildings not destroyed by the July 1889 fire. Next to the Lynch Building across Fifth Avenue is the Farmer's Bank built in 1911 and on the far right the old Horton Hotel later known as the Antlers Hotel.
Recommended Citation
"West Side of North Pearl Street" (1916). Ellensburg History Photographs. 175.
Local History Collection Photographs, Ellensburg Public Library
Ellensburg (Wash.) -- Streets, Historic, Historic streets -- Washington (State) -- Ellensburg, Streets -- Washington (State) -- Ellensburg, Commercial streets -- Washington (State) -- Ellensburg, Blizzards -- Washington (State) -- Ellensburg, Pearl Street (Ellensburg, Wash.), Geddis Building (Ellensburg, Wash.), Cadwell - Olympic Building (Ellensburg, Wash.), Elwood Drug Store (Ellensburg, Wash.), Lynch Building (Ellensburg, Wash.), Farmer's Bank (Ellensburg, Wash.), Horton Hotel (Ellensburg, Wash.), Antlers Hotel (Ellensburg, Wash.), Winter scenes -- Washington (State) -- Ellensburg