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Heavy snows during the winter of 1915-1916 kept the entire county covered with snow for months. The only means of transportation was by horse and sleigh, but after many snowstorms even horses could not travel through the deep snow. This photograph was taken on E. First Street looking east toward the low foothills that separate Cle Elum and Roslyn. Thomas Stoves' Cascade Drugs and Charles Duerrwachter's meat market were next to the Shoe Hospital. On the north side of the street the Golden Rule Mercantile Company managed by Joseph H. Snyder often ran short on supplies during the winter as no trains were able to transport cargo through the blocked mountain passes. Postcard titled: "The Big Snow, Cle Elum, Wash." (Connell photo) Far in the distance in this photo is Table Top Mt. The Golden Rule building was on the south side of First Street at Harris Avenue, across from the Cle Elum State Bank. The drug store was on the north side of First Street, a few doors down from Costello and Grant. Had the photo been taken looking west, the NWI Company store or Joy's Corner (Tavern) would have been visible. Stafford and Emerson owned the drug store in 1907 in Cle Elum. Mr. Tom Stoves may have owned the drug store in the photo at one time. He later had a drug store directly across First Street which later became Mus Pharmacy and is now Cavallini's Drug Store. Stoves and his wife Adelaide adopted twins born about 1918--Tony Stoves and Alice Joyce (Stoves) Crutcher, who married Howard Crutcher. Crutcher owned the Crutcher and Jones men's clothing store in Cle Elum.
Recommended Citation
Connell, Russell H., "Snowfall in Cle Elum II" (1916). Ellensburg History Photographs. 181.
Local History Collection Photographs, Ellensburg Public Library
Kittitas Co. (Wash.) -- Streets, Historic, Historic streets -- Washington (State) -- Cle Elum, Streets -- Washington (State) -- Cle Elum, First Street (Cle Elum, Wash.), Cascade Drugs (Cle Elum, Wash.), Charles Duerrwachter's Meat Market (Cle Elum, Wash.), Shoe Hospital (Cle Elum, Wash.), Golden Rule Mechantile Company (Cle Elum, Wash.), Blizzards -- Washington (State) -- Cle Elum, Winter scenes -- Washington (State) -- Cle Elum, City and town life -- Washington (State) -- Cle Elum, Commercial streets -- Washington (State) -- Cle Elum