Document Type


Date of Degree Completion

Summer 1999

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



Committee Chair

Karen Blair

Second Committee Member

Earl Glauert

Third Committee Member

Nancy Hultquist


The history of the coal mining town of Carbonado, Washington was studied. Starting from a brief description of the formation and discovery of coal in Western Washington, the fifty-seven year history of active coal mining was covered in this project. Topics included town leadership, coal mining peculiarities in the region, living in a company town, the plight of Chinese workers in the 1880s, and the labor strikes after World War I that led to the eventual closing of the mines. The project ended with a description of life in the town after major coal mining operations ended in 1937. Also included in this project are historical photographs to illustrate the text, and statistical tables in the appendices to describe coal mining in the region.
