Document Type


Date of Degree Completion

Spring 2023

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



Committee Chair

Nicole Stendell-Hollis

Second Committee Member

Ethan Bergman

Third Committee Member

Rebecca Pearson


Background: The Washington State COVID-19 lockdown and subsequent school closures brought increased dependency on parents to provide nutritious meals and opportunities for physical activity for their children.

Purpose: The aim of this study was to describe the impacts of the Washington State COVID-19 lockdown on the dietary, physical activity, and screen time habits of children ages 5-10-years-old residing in Kittitas County.

Methods: A researcher-developed Qualtrics survey was created and validated via the Index of Item Objective Congruence. The survey was administered to parents via Facebook, using local Kittitas County Facebook groups.

Results: Most parents identified that the Washington lockdown negatively impacted their children, with parents identifying that at least 73% (n = 57) of children consumed a SSB on any given day, 59% (n = 46) consumed breakfast once per week, 4% (3) met PA recommendations, and 30% (n = 24) exceeded screen time recommendations.

Conclusions: The impact of the Washington State COVID-19 lockdown on children is multifactorial and includes factors such as family income and the severity of COVID-19 lockdown policies. Kittitas County parents viewed the Washington State lockdown as having an overall negative impact on their children.
