Graduate Project Title
Document Type
Graduate Project
Date of Degree Completion
Degree Name
Master of Education (MEd)
Committee Chair
Gail Goss
Second Committee Member
B. Donahue
Third Committee Member
A. Sledge
This study includes a brief explanation of the history of reader response and the purpose behind the theory as well as how to apply the theory to classroom practices when teaching literature and reading. Reader response is the reader's reaction to what he/she has read. This can include making connections, asking questions, clarifying information, evaluating the author's craft and making predictions. The reader's response can be oral or in written form. The study includes examples of the application of reader response in classrooms ranging from the primary level through the high school level and an explanation of why it can be used so successfully at all grade levels. The author will also discuss ways of expanding the use of reader response and taking it beyond reading class by explaining ways to incorporate it into content area classes. Finally, some problems and drawbacks of reader response logs will be discussed.
Recommended Citation
Risley, Carrie Winegar, "Implementing Reading Response Logs in an Intermediate Classroom to Increase Student Interest and Comprehension" (2006). All Graduate Projects. 152.
Chapter 4, pages 10 and 17 are missing from this Master of Education Project pdf.