The Relationship Between Attention, Dyslexia, and Convergence Insufficiency
Tracy Migrants, Janie M. Kiyokawa, and Heide Island
Analyzing and Designing an Arduino Controlled System to Study the Effect of Changing Water Levels on Water Flow Through Sediments
Andrea M. Bonetto, Sheiny Tjia-Fleck, Ethan Zeller, and Bradley Wheeler
What's at Stake: Is it a Vampire or a Virus?
Kaitlin M. Schneider
“We’ll Cook Him Up in a Stew”: Stepmothers and Primogeniture in the Brothers Grimm’s The Juniper Tree
Kymberlin Bush
Ekphrasis in Ecocriticism: Auden’s “Musée des Beaux Arts” and Bruegel’s “Landscape with the Fall of Icarus”
Chloe N. Young
Strenuous Exercise Increases the Risk of Oxidative Stress in Ironman Triathlon Participants
Noelle L. Cutter, Emily Cruz, Frank Cristall III, and Kristen Lacey
Trapped in Toxic Exposure: Mitigation Masking and the Emotional Geography of Residential Proximity to Expanding Industry
Conner Hinkle, Sierra Marsh, and Sherrie M. Steiner
Corpus Callosum
Shelby E. Utz
“How do Filipinos clear deyer nose?”: Humor, Race, and Cultural Adaptation in Plantation-era Hawai‘i
Ian I. Camit
Playing at Sevens: The Impulse Load and Movement Demands of Men’s Collegiate Rugby
Olivia C. Boles, Brandi M. Eveland-Sayers, Andrew R. Dotterweich, and Jeremy A. Gentles