Developing a Protocol for Creating Microfluidic Devices with a 3D Printer
Robyn Collette, Eric Novak, Daniel Rosen, and Kathryn Shirk
Generating Road Network Graph with Vision-Based Unmanned Vehicle
Henrique Yano and Francisco Zampirolli
Rape Myth Acceptance and Willingness to Intervene: A Comparison of Greek-Affiliated and Non-Affiliated College Students by Gender
Mark E. Pettit, Amber Paulk, Andrea Hunt, and Yaschica Williams
Designing and Evaluating the Quality and Cost-effectiveness of Saturated Sediment Permeameters
Caleb Gibson, Nicole Woodall, Caleb Reiter, and Susa H. Stonedahl
College Students’ Attitudes toward Debt
Elliott M. Beale and Brenda J. Cude