Document Type


Department or Administrative Unit


Publication Date

Spring 5-7-2019


ELUNA 2019 was focused on Ex Libris products as well as other related current professional issues relevant to libraries today. I had a unique opportunity to meet with Ex Libris experts to learn more about product roadmaps, discover new product features, and uncover other insider information. It allowed me to bring our sticky issues to the Ex Libris Support Center to work with support staff in person and meet Ex Libris management in person to advocate for our institutional needs. In addition, networking with other users in the ELUNA community was a great way for me to gain fresh ideas and learn about the cutting edge features that others have developed for their Ex Libris products. The ELUNA user community has a long history of helping one another; I had opportunities to establish new professional contacts as well as put faces to names I’ve collaborated with on listservs. The conference helped me explore issues of diversity in brooks Library and how they affect the ethnic communities who use our services and will improve ability to improve our systems to ensure support diversity on campus.

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