ScholarWorks@CWU - Symposium Of University Research and Creative Expression (SOURCE): Just Friends, Part 2

Just Friends, Part 2

Presenter Information

Devin Keyes

Document Type

Oral Presentation

Campus where you would like to present

SURC Theatre

Start Date


End Date



Just Friends is a short film written and directed by Devin Keyes. This project was an independent study Devin carried out in order to put to the test the culmination of what he had learned throughout his college career and therefore is an obvious submission for SOURCE. Michael Ogden worked as an advisor on the project. In order to complete the film, the help of Jordan-Michael Whidbey, FX Wood, Dana Winter, Ashlen Hodge, Jordan Simmons, and Tony Morales was enlisted to star in the film. For help behind the camera, John Benson filled the roll of Director of Photography, Tony also did much of the sound recording, and Jordan Simmons and Lisa Herring worked behind the scenes by filling rolls when needed. In the process of filming, Devin had to manage a schedule in which he could accommodate cast and crew’s class and work schedules as well as finding locations in which to film. Numerous challenges were presented to the cast and crew such as filming in the loud and noisy SURC, where recording quality audio was difficult, filming outside in freezing weather, getting together large groups of people for a classroom scene and a party scene, and always racing the clock to make sure filming was done on time. At the end of filming, Devin went through over seven hours of footage to edit together the final twenty-five minute piece. Because of the length of the film, a double session is requested.

Faculty Mentor(s)

Michael Ogden

Additional Mentoring Department

Film and Video Studies

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May 25th, 12:40 PM May 25th, 1:00 PM

Just Friends, Part 2

SURC Theatre

Just Friends is a short film written and directed by Devin Keyes. This project was an independent study Devin carried out in order to put to the test the culmination of what he had learned throughout his college career and therefore is an obvious submission for SOURCE. Michael Ogden worked as an advisor on the project. In order to complete the film, the help of Jordan-Michael Whidbey, FX Wood, Dana Winter, Ashlen Hodge, Jordan Simmons, and Tony Morales was enlisted to star in the film. For help behind the camera, John Benson filled the roll of Director of Photography, Tony also did much of the sound recording, and Jordan Simmons and Lisa Herring worked behind the scenes by filling rolls when needed. In the process of filming, Devin had to manage a schedule in which he could accommodate cast and crew’s class and work schedules as well as finding locations in which to film. Numerous challenges were presented to the cast and crew such as filming in the loud and noisy SURC, where recording quality audio was difficult, filming outside in freezing weather, getting together large groups of people for a classroom scene and a party scene, and always racing the clock to make sure filming was done on time. At the end of filming, Devin went through over seven hours of footage to edit together the final twenty-five minute piece. Because of the length of the film, a double session is requested.