ScholarWorks@CWU - Symposium Of University Research and Creative Expression (SOURCE): Il Matrimonio Segreto

Il Matrimonio Segreto

Document Type

Oral Presentation

Campus where you would like to present

SURC Ballroom D

Start Date


End Date



Domenico Cimarosa composed Il Matrimonio Segretto, which translates to The Secret Marriage, in 1792. It is his most famous work. It is considered an Opera buffa, meaning a comedic opera and is written in Italian. It was received with much appraisal and it is said to be one of the greatest comedic operas in addition to those of Mozart. The opera is set in the 18th century in. Geronimo is a wealthy man with two daughters, Elisetta and a younger daughter, Carolina. His sister, Fidalma, runs the household. Geronimo also has a secretary, Paolino, who is secretly married to Carolina. Paolino attempts to secure a marriage between his patron, Count Robinson, and Elisetta. This scene comes after an argument the two sisters have had. Fidalma makes every attempt to stop the bickering but is unsuccessful. To prepare for this, we had to learn our music on our own, write translations and understand word stress. Currently, we are in the process of staging.

Faculty Mentor(s)

Gayla Blaisdell

Additional Mentoring Department


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May 17th, 12:00 PM May 17th, 12:20 PM

Il Matrimonio Segreto

SURC Ballroom D

Domenico Cimarosa composed Il Matrimonio Segretto, which translates to The Secret Marriage, in 1792. It is his most famous work. It is considered an Opera buffa, meaning a comedic opera and is written in Italian. It was received with much appraisal and it is said to be one of the greatest comedic operas in addition to those of Mozart. The opera is set in the 18th century in. Geronimo is a wealthy man with two daughters, Elisetta and a younger daughter, Carolina. His sister, Fidalma, runs the household. Geronimo also has a secretary, Paolino, who is secretly married to Carolina. Paolino attempts to secure a marriage between his patron, Count Robinson, and Elisetta. This scene comes after an argument the two sisters have had. Fidalma makes every attempt to stop the bickering but is unsuccessful. To prepare for this, we had to learn our music on our own, write translations and understand word stress. Currently, we are in the process of staging.