ScholarWorks@CWU - Symposium Of University Research and Creative Expression (SOURCE): Ambivalent Love

Ambivalent Love

Presenter Information

Marq Kernell

Document Type

Oral Presentation

Start Date


End Date



The creative artistic work that I am submitting for SOURCE is titled “Ambivalent Love.” I used an integrated arts approach to the choreography of this piece, as per the choreography assignment in which my piece originated. I started with a poem, Tupac Shakur’s “In The Event Of My Demise”, and pulled several themes from the poem. The main themes that I found were ambivalence and love, so I choreographed movements to the two themes I extracted. Next I found a student painting of a ghostly woman on a bed with a male counterpart at the beds edge; I extracted the theme of a dying relationship from this painting and choreographed movements to this theme. The next part of my integrated arts approach was to find a song. I found the perfect song while getting ready in the morning, Try With Me by Nicole Scherzinger. The song shared the themes of both the poem and the painting. After finding dancers who I knew had experienced failing relationships, I fit my choreography to their bodies as to maximize the intensity of their outward emotion. The complete story of the dance is that my male dancer leaves the female and she’s broken hearted, then she does everything she can think to do to get him back. Once he decides to come back to her they share precious moments that result in a fight between them and the female dancer leaves the male, resulting in him doing everything he can to get her back.

Faculty Mentor(s)

Therese Young


May 17th, 12:00 AM May 17th, 12:00 AM

Ambivalent Love

The creative artistic work that I am submitting for SOURCE is titled “Ambivalent Love.” I used an integrated arts approach to the choreography of this piece, as per the choreography assignment in which my piece originated. I started with a poem, Tupac Shakur’s “In The Event Of My Demise”, and pulled several themes from the poem. The main themes that I found were ambivalence and love, so I choreographed movements to the two themes I extracted. Next I found a student painting of a ghostly woman on a bed with a male counterpart at the beds edge; I extracted the theme of a dying relationship from this painting and choreographed movements to this theme. The next part of my integrated arts approach was to find a song. I found the perfect song while getting ready in the morning, Try With Me by Nicole Scherzinger. The song shared the themes of both the poem and the painting. After finding dancers who I knew had experienced failing relationships, I fit my choreography to their bodies as to maximize the intensity of their outward emotion. The complete story of the dance is that my male dancer leaves the female and she’s broken hearted, then she does everything she can think to do to get him back. Once he decides to come back to her they share precious moments that result in a fight between them and the female dancer leaves the male, resulting in him doing everything he can to get her back.