ScholarWorks@CWU - Symposium Of University Research and Creative Expression (SOURCE): Is There a Difference in Wind Speed in Open Versus Forested Area on the Cle Elum Roslyn School District Campus?

Is There a Difference in Wind Speed in Open Versus Forested Area on the Cle Elum Roslyn School District Campus?

Presenter Information

Emily Stanley
Taryn Bennett

Document Type

Oral Presentation

Campus where you would like to present

SURC Ballroom A

Start Date


End Date



Fostering a Sense of Place at Walter Strom Middle School, 7th grade students conducted inquiry based investigations in the outdoor classroom. Data was collected several times per month throughout the school year. We measured wind speed with an anemometer in different cardinal directions from 2 permanent plots - one in the open and one in the forest. We used statistical test toe decide if we thought that our hypothesis or null hypothesis was true.

Poster Number


Faculty Mentor(s)

Trish Griswold

Additional Mentoring Department


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May 17th, 11:15 AM May 17th, 1:44 PM

Is There a Difference in Wind Speed in Open Versus Forested Area on the Cle Elum Roslyn School District Campus?

SURC Ballroom A

Fostering a Sense of Place at Walter Strom Middle School, 7th grade students conducted inquiry based investigations in the outdoor classroom. Data was collected several times per month throughout the school year. We measured wind speed with an anemometer in different cardinal directions from 2 permanent plots - one in the open and one in the forest. We used statistical test toe decide if we thought that our hypothesis or null hypothesis was true.