ScholarWorks@CWU - Symposium Of University Research and Creative Expression (SOURCE): <i>Epiphany</i>

Presenter Information

Ebonesiah Morrow

Document Type

Oral Presentation

Campus where you would like to present

SURC Room 135

Start Date


End Date



Faith, Observation, Reflection


The creative writing project being presented is my novel-in-progress, Epiphany. Epiphany is comprised of a collage of creative writing forms including sonnets, villanelles, sestinas, vignettes, pantoums, and fiction pieces. Inspired by Sandra Cisneros’s The House on Mango Street, my novel-in-progress focuses on the evolution of the main character self-identity as she and her peers grow up in Tacoma Washington. This evolution takes place Through Iman, a young Afro-Caribbean American, coping with anxiety while trying to understand her dysfunctional yet unbreakable family; Tiffany, a young African- American portraying the consequence of daughters who are left orphans, growing up in the urban areas of Washington state; the Trill-hood Boyz, a group of young men who seem to be, “a group a womanizers, their actions not violent yet gory, but each and every Trill-hood Boy has a story.” Through these characters and many more, I share experiences and observations that have molded me into the young woman I am today. By the end of the novel, Iman will have a firm belief that words and actions are equally important and powerful. She challenges the meaning of “action speaks louder than words,” and stresses the importance of observation and reflection. At SOURCE, I will, through a PowerPoint presentation, share an overview of Epiphany, as well as my journey so far: Reasons for compiling Epiphany, the inspiration for my novel, and the process, so far, of creating it. With my audience, I will also share a brief character analysis as well as a few excerpts.

Faculty Mentor(s)

Whitcomb, Katharine; Buviti, Ian

Additional Mentoring Department


Additional Mentoring Department

McNair Scholar Program


May 15th, 8:50 AM May 15th, 9:10 AM


SURC Room 135

The creative writing project being presented is my novel-in-progress, Epiphany. Epiphany is comprised of a collage of creative writing forms including sonnets, villanelles, sestinas, vignettes, pantoums, and fiction pieces. Inspired by Sandra Cisneros’s The House on Mango Street, my novel-in-progress focuses on the evolution of the main character self-identity as she and her peers grow up in Tacoma Washington. This evolution takes place Through Iman, a young Afro-Caribbean American, coping with anxiety while trying to understand her dysfunctional yet unbreakable family; Tiffany, a young African- American portraying the consequence of daughters who are left orphans, growing up in the urban areas of Washington state; the Trill-hood Boyz, a group of young men who seem to be, “a group a womanizers, their actions not violent yet gory, but each and every Trill-hood Boy has a story.” Through these characters and many more, I share experiences and observations that have molded me into the young woman I am today. By the end of the novel, Iman will have a firm belief that words and actions are equally important and powerful. She challenges the meaning of “action speaks louder than words,” and stresses the importance of observation and reflection. At SOURCE, I will, through a PowerPoint presentation, share an overview of Epiphany, as well as my journey so far: Reasons for compiling Epiphany, the inspiration for my novel, and the process, so far, of creating it. With my audience, I will also share a brief character analysis as well as a few excerpts.