ScholarWorks@CWU - Symposium Of University Research and Creative Expression (SOURCE): The Convention on Nuclear Safety: A Closer Look at Nuclear Accidents and Policy Decisions

Presenter Information

Michael Gilman

Document Type

Oral Presentation

Campus where you would like to present

SURC Room 137A

Start Date


End Date



Environmental Economics, Nuclear Power, Public Policy


The Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS) proposed safety standards for land based nuclear power plants in response to widespread demand for standardized rules in the wake of the Chernobyl accident. This paper aims to analyze the determinants of countries’ ratification delay for the CNS using non-parametric estimates of the survival function. The current body of literature addresses either determinants of ratification of a multilateral environmental treaty, or an examination of the effectiveness of the CNS itself. However, there is little research done on the ratification delay of multilateral environmental treaties. This presentation will present these findings along with possible policy implications of the findings.

Faculty Mentor(s)

Sipic, Toni

Additional Mentoring Department



May 15th, 1:30 PM May 15th, 1:50 PM

The Convention on Nuclear Safety: A Closer Look at Nuclear Accidents and Policy Decisions

SURC Room 137A

The Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS) proposed safety standards for land based nuclear power plants in response to widespread demand for standardized rules in the wake of the Chernobyl accident. This paper aims to analyze the determinants of countries’ ratification delay for the CNS using non-parametric estimates of the survival function. The current body of literature addresses either determinants of ratification of a multilateral environmental treaty, or an examination of the effectiveness of the CNS itself. However, there is little research done on the ratification delay of multilateral environmental treaties. This presentation will present these findings along with possible policy implications of the findings.