ScholarWorks@CWU - Symposium Of University Research and Creative Expression (SOURCE): Learning at Home with Interactive Literacy Kits

Learning at Home with Interactive Literacy Kits

Document Type

Oral Presentation

Campus where you would like to present

SURC Room 201

Start Date


End Date



Family Engagement, Literacy, Homework


How might homework be used to better promote family engagement in childhood learning? In EDEC 322 Parent Involvement, students explore this question, focused on reframing the concept of homework from a school-centered and family intrusive directive to a family friendly approach designed to enhance family engagement and promote childhood education through activity suggestions based on adult/child interaction. This project targets literacy and the integration of content learning through the design and development of learning at home kits. These kits are comprised of dollar store items with a $5 limit for materials. Students then create family friendly suggestions to promote learning targets. Attention to detail and marketing appeal is given prior to donating the kits to Head Start preschools as a service learning project.

Faculty Mentor(s)

Walker, Teri

Additional Mentoring Department

Select one

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May 15th, 1:10 PM May 15th, 1:30 PM

Learning at Home with Interactive Literacy Kits

SURC Room 201

How might homework be used to better promote family engagement in childhood learning? In EDEC 322 Parent Involvement, students explore this question, focused on reframing the concept of homework from a school-centered and family intrusive directive to a family friendly approach designed to enhance family engagement and promote childhood education through activity suggestions based on adult/child interaction. This project targets literacy and the integration of content learning through the design and development of learning at home kits. These kits are comprised of dollar store items with a $5 limit for materials. Students then create family friendly suggestions to promote learning targets. Attention to detail and marketing appeal is given prior to donating the kits to Head Start preschools as a service learning project.