ScholarWorks@CWU - Symposium Of University Research and Creative Expression (SOURCE): Se puede y se debe: Educating Heritage Students

Presenter Information

Edward Pinto
Itzia Luna
Isaac Meza

Document Type

Oral Presentation

Campus where you would like to present

SURC Room 135

Start Date


End Date



Heritage, Language, Spanish


Teaching heritage students requires a wide variety of best practices that focus on the development of the students’ vocabulary, cultural competence, and grammar, in addition to the four language skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking). I will focus on the best practices of encouraging students to read many genres, providing a range of writing topics, assigning oral interviews with the community, and granting students the freedom to speak both English and Spanish in the classroom. Another effective teaching strategy for heritage language learners is using a macro-approach.

Faculty Mentor(s)

Lee, Alejandro

Additional Mentoring Department

World Languages


May 15th, 1:50 PM May 15th, 2:10 PM

Se puede y se debe: Educating Heritage Students

SURC Room 135

Teaching heritage students requires a wide variety of best practices that focus on the development of the students’ vocabulary, cultural competence, and grammar, in addition to the four language skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking). I will focus on the best practices of encouraging students to read many genres, providing a range of writing topics, assigning oral interviews with the community, and granting students the freedom to speak both English and Spanish in the classroom. Another effective teaching strategy for heritage language learners is using a macro-approach.