ScholarWorks@CWU - Symposium Of University Research and Creative Expression (SOURCE): Identification of the Big Five Personality Traits by Psychology Majors and Non-Psychology Majors Using Still Photographs

Identification of the Big Five Personality Traits by Psychology Majors and Non-Psychology Majors Using Still Photographs

Document Type

Oral Presentation

Campus where you would like to present

SURC Ballroom C/D

Start Date


End Date



Big Five Personality Traits, personality recognition, education


The purpose of this study was to investigate different factors that influence the way people identify personality traits. Previous research has indicated that facial expression, age, and race may play a role in the assessment of personality. Would a person's interest in a particular field also play a role in the way they assess personality? We hypothesized that there would be a difference between students who had declared a major and those who had not declared a major with regard to the way they rated the personalities of individuals in photographs. It was further hypothesized that there would be a difference between psychology majors and non-psychology majors with regard to these same ratings. Personality traits, from the Big Five personality inventory, were assigned by participants to four black and white photographs. Differences in the way declared and non-declared students rated the individuals in the photographs with regard to the personality traits of Unconscientiousness and Openness were the most notable. Differences in the way psychology majors and non-psychology majors rated the individuals in the photographs with regard to the personality traits of Disagreeableness, Unconscientiousness, and Openness were the most notable. These differences could not be attributed to differences in age. Similarities of ratings as well as implications of this research are discussed.

Poster Number


Faculty Mentor(s)

Radeke, Mary

Additional Mentoring Department


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May 15th, 2:29 PM May 15th, 5:00 PM

Identification of the Big Five Personality Traits by Psychology Majors and Non-Psychology Majors Using Still Photographs

SURC Ballroom C/D

The purpose of this study was to investigate different factors that influence the way people identify personality traits. Previous research has indicated that facial expression, age, and race may play a role in the assessment of personality. Would a person's interest in a particular field also play a role in the way they assess personality? We hypothesized that there would be a difference between students who had declared a major and those who had not declared a major with regard to the way they rated the personalities of individuals in photographs. It was further hypothesized that there would be a difference between psychology majors and non-psychology majors with regard to these same ratings. Personality traits, from the Big Five personality inventory, were assigned by participants to four black and white photographs. Differences in the way declared and non-declared students rated the individuals in the photographs with regard to the personality traits of Unconscientiousness and Openness were the most notable. Differences in the way psychology majors and non-psychology majors rated the individuals in the photographs with regard to the personality traits of Disagreeableness, Unconscientiousness, and Openness were the most notable. These differences could not be attributed to differences in age. Similarities of ratings as well as implications of this research are discussed.