ScholarWorks@CWU - Symposium Of University Research and Creative Expression (SOURCE): It Girl

Presenter Information

Lauren Abrams

Document Type

Oral Presentation

Campus where you would like to present

SURC Ballroom B/C/D

Event Website

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End Date



Roses, Draping, Handmade


Purpose: The purpose for this garment was to create a piece of clothing that a woman can wear out to a formal or social event. I wanted to make the wearer feel confident and sexy, but at the same time show her fun side. The off-shoulder strap creates a sexy and confident look and the handmade roses show the fun and romantic side of the woman. Having a bold purple color shows a more fun and confident woman. Process: The process of this garment started with my interests. I love roses and I wanted to do something with them. I looked on Pinterest for ideas and what I could do with my interest in roses. I started sketching and it took a few tries to get the perfect dress; after that I measured my model and started draping. Once the draping was done, I started patterning the draped garment. After flat patterning, I began to create my sample garment. With the sample garment, I fitted it on my model to see if there were any adjustments I needed to make. Adjustments were made to the pattern from the fitting. The finished garment was sewn together and roses were hand sewn on as a final touch to the garment. Techniques: The technique I used to make this garment was draping. The bodice was draped by using the princess line technique. The pattern for the skirt was a flare skirt draping technique. I used French seams to assure the inside of the garment looked as clean and tidy as the outside. The straps were cut on the bias to have more stretch for ease of movement. Making the roses and applying them to the final garment was a tedious and detail-oriented process. Innovation: The innovation of this garment is the three dimensional texture and how it expresses the fun and confidence of the woman wearing the dress. Materials: Cotton fabric, polyester, a zipper, and purple threads. This is one in a line of three garments; the entire line can be seen at the Apparel, Textiles, and Merchandising spring fashion show, May 30, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. in Milo Smith Theater in McConnell Hall.

Poster Number


Faculty Mentor(s)

Andrea Eklund


Family and Consumer Sciences

Additional Mentoring Department

Family and Consumer Sciences


May 21st, 11:30 AM May 21st, 2:00 PM

It Girl

SURC Ballroom B/C/D

Purpose: The purpose for this garment was to create a piece of clothing that a woman can wear out to a formal or social event. I wanted to make the wearer feel confident and sexy, but at the same time show her fun side. The off-shoulder strap creates a sexy and confident look and the handmade roses show the fun and romantic side of the woman. Having a bold purple color shows a more fun and confident woman. Process: The process of this garment started with my interests. I love roses and I wanted to do something with them. I looked on Pinterest for ideas and what I could do with my interest in roses. I started sketching and it took a few tries to get the perfect dress; after that I measured my model and started draping. Once the draping was done, I started patterning the draped garment. After flat patterning, I began to create my sample garment. With the sample garment, I fitted it on my model to see if there were any adjustments I needed to make. Adjustments were made to the pattern from the fitting. The finished garment was sewn together and roses were hand sewn on as a final touch to the garment. Techniques: The technique I used to make this garment was draping. The bodice was draped by using the princess line technique. The pattern for the skirt was a flare skirt draping technique. I used French seams to assure the inside of the garment looked as clean and tidy as the outside. The straps were cut on the bias to have more stretch for ease of movement. Making the roses and applying them to the final garment was a tedious and detail-oriented process. Innovation: The innovation of this garment is the three dimensional texture and how it expresses the fun and confidence of the woman wearing the dress. Materials: Cotton fabric, polyester, a zipper, and purple threads. This is one in a line of three garments; the entire line can be seen at the Apparel, Textiles, and Merchandising spring fashion show, May 30, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. in Milo Smith Theater in McConnell Hall.