ScholarWorks@CWU - Symposium Of University Research and Creative Expression (SOURCE): Improved Drop-Weight Tennis Racquet Stringer

Improved Drop-Weight Tennis Racquet Stringer

Presenter Information

William Ligon-Bruno

Document Type

Oral Presentation

Campus where you would like to present

SURC Ballroom B/C/D

Start Date


End Date



Tennis, Stringer, Drop-weight


What design change to a conventional ATS Sports model drop-weight stringer can be made to decrease the stringing time for a tennis racquet? To answer this, a detailed analysis on design, manufacturability, and structural integrity was prepared to design a product that is manufacturable within the timeframe and produces a device which decreases the stringing time. First, an analysis on each vital component was completed, including the ratcheting components, pressure arm/drop mass, etc. Second, a virtual model was created with auxiliary components to test different designs. Through this analysis, and the virtual model, it was indicated that a duel stringing device opposed to a conventional single stringing device would meet the design requirements set forth in the project report. A more detailed design was done to the device to finalize the product for manufacturing. This included reducing the weight of the product through shelling out components and using lightweight material, reducing the cost through utilizing cheaper pre-designed material other than requesting custom designed material, modifying dimensions for the correct weight distribution, and planning for the ergonomics of use. The manufacturing process consisted of machining and 3D printing more than 40 parts. After final assembly, modifications are again assessed to increase functionality. Testing results should demonstrate a reduction in the time needed to string a racquet by half and produce a tension from 30 to 90 lbs as stated in the design requirements.

Poster Number


Faculty Mentor(s)

Charles Pringle


Engineering Technologies, Safety, & Construction

Additional Mentoring Department

Engineering Technologies, Safety, & Construction

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May 21st, 2:30 PM May 21st, 5:00 PM

Improved Drop-Weight Tennis Racquet Stringer

SURC Ballroom B/C/D

What design change to a conventional ATS Sports model drop-weight stringer can be made to decrease the stringing time for a tennis racquet? To answer this, a detailed analysis on design, manufacturability, and structural integrity was prepared to design a product that is manufacturable within the timeframe and produces a device which decreases the stringing time. First, an analysis on each vital component was completed, including the ratcheting components, pressure arm/drop mass, etc. Second, a virtual model was created with auxiliary components to test different designs. Through this analysis, and the virtual model, it was indicated that a duel stringing device opposed to a conventional single stringing device would meet the design requirements set forth in the project report. A more detailed design was done to the device to finalize the product for manufacturing. This included reducing the weight of the product through shelling out components and using lightweight material, reducing the cost through utilizing cheaper pre-designed material other than requesting custom designed material, modifying dimensions for the correct weight distribution, and planning for the ergonomics of use. The manufacturing process consisted of machining and 3D printing more than 40 parts. After final assembly, modifications are again assessed to increase functionality. Testing results should demonstrate a reduction in the time needed to string a racquet by half and produce a tension from 30 to 90 lbs as stated in the design requirements.