ScholarWorks@CWU - Symposium Of University Research and Creative Expression (SOURCE): Queer Photography and the Betrayal of the Image

Queer Photography and the Betrayal of the Image

Presenter Information

Philippe (Hyojung) Kim
Lauren Walton

Document Type

Oral Presentation

Campus where you would like to present

SURC 135

Start Date


End Date



Gender Studies, Photography, Queer Theory


Queer is a descriptor of what is non-normative, generally associated with the rejection of traditional identities. What is queer is counter to what is accepted as normal. Photography, as a visual medium, is often used to reveal a subject and inform an audience. Queer photography has historically been utilized to expose the normal masses to what is not normal, and also to inform a select audience of what is acceptably queer. Our study proposes that queer photography establishes a self-negating concept; as a visual medium that aims to inform, photography has come to define a set norm for queer and has led to certain expectations for queer viewers and the non-queer public. Through an exploration of the visual history of queer photography, this study analyzes its effect on contemporary visual and popular culture and how the current structure of queer portrayal has betrayed the reality of the queer.

Faculty Mentor(s)

Ellen Avitts



Additional Mentoring Department


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May 21st, 3:00 PM May 21st, 3:20 PM

Queer Photography and the Betrayal of the Image

SURC 135

Queer is a descriptor of what is non-normative, generally associated with the rejection of traditional identities. What is queer is counter to what is accepted as normal. Photography, as a visual medium, is often used to reveal a subject and inform an audience. Queer photography has historically been utilized to expose the normal masses to what is not normal, and also to inform a select audience of what is acceptably queer. Our study proposes that queer photography establishes a self-negating concept; as a visual medium that aims to inform, photography has come to define a set norm for queer and has led to certain expectations for queer viewers and the non-queer public. Through an exploration of the visual history of queer photography, this study analyzes its effect on contemporary visual and popular culture and how the current structure of queer portrayal has betrayed the reality of the queer.