ScholarWorks@CWU - Symposium Of University Research and Creative Expression (SOURCE): Newspaper Analysis: Impact of Immigration Raid in Rural Community

Newspaper Analysis: Impact of Immigration Raid in Rural Community

Presenter Information

Ana Alcala

Document Type

Oral Presentation

Campus where you would like to present

SURC Ballroom B/C/D

Start Date


End Date



Immigration, Newspaper Articles, Trauma


The purpose of this study was to review newspaper articles that referenced the immigration raid that occurred in Ellensburg, Washington. On January 20, 2011, federal agents arrested 14 Ellensburg area residents early on Thursday morning (4:00 a.m.) on criminal charges of manufacture and purchase of counterfeit identities and employment documents. Thirteen of those arrested were women. Content analysis was used to answer the “What?” but not the “Why?” questions. Thus, content analysis was used to describe, organize, and summarize the content of the newspaper articles and the effects on the community. This newspaper analysis revealed the themes of the immigration raid as having strong impacts on the children of the families, the children in the local schools, and the children in the greater community.

Poster Number


Faculty Mentor(s)

Arthur Manjarrez


Law & Justice

Additional Mentoring Department

Ethnic Studies; Academic Advising Center

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May 21st, 2:30 PM May 21st, 5:00 PM

Newspaper Analysis: Impact of Immigration Raid in Rural Community

SURC Ballroom B/C/D

The purpose of this study was to review newspaper articles that referenced the immigration raid that occurred in Ellensburg, Washington. On January 20, 2011, federal agents arrested 14 Ellensburg area residents early on Thursday morning (4:00 a.m.) on criminal charges of manufacture and purchase of counterfeit identities and employment documents. Thirteen of those arrested were women. Content analysis was used to answer the “What?” but not the “Why?” questions. Thus, content analysis was used to describe, organize, and summarize the content of the newspaper articles and the effects on the community. This newspaper analysis revealed the themes of the immigration raid as having strong impacts on the children of the families, the children in the local schools, and the children in the greater community.