ScholarWorks@CWU - Symposium Of University Research and Creative Expression (SOURCE): Real-Time Temperature Sounding in Ellensburg

Real-Time Temperature Sounding in Ellensburg

Presenter Information

Iliass Tinedrebeogo

Document Type

Oral Presentation

Campus where you would like to present

SURC Ballroom B/C/D

Start Date


End Date



Real Time Dashboard, Temperature Sounding


The change of ambient temperature with height above ground is an indicator of atmospheric stability. Air quality forecasters need to know whether an airshed is stable or not, as the dissipation of air pollution depends on this. While meteorological models predict stability, a lack of vertical temperature measurements makes it difficult to ground truth such forecasts. We aim to make a real-time plotting of temperatures with height easily available via interfaces for all devices using the internet. Our contribution is a web dashboard application that monitors the real-time status of the temperature in regard of the height. We are able to visualize temperature at each vertical height.

Poster Number


Faculty Mentor(s)

Razvan Andonie, Anne Johansen


Computer Science

Additional Mentoring Department

Computer Science

Additional Mentoring Department

Environmental Studies

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May 21st, 8:30 AM May 21st, 11:00 AM

Real-Time Temperature Sounding in Ellensburg

SURC Ballroom B/C/D

The change of ambient temperature with height above ground is an indicator of atmospheric stability. Air quality forecasters need to know whether an airshed is stable or not, as the dissipation of air pollution depends on this. While meteorological models predict stability, a lack of vertical temperature measurements makes it difficult to ground truth such forecasts. We aim to make a real-time plotting of temperatures with height easily available via interfaces for all devices using the internet. Our contribution is a web dashboard application that monitors the real-time status of the temperature in regard of the height. We are able to visualize temperature at each vertical height.