ScholarWorks@CWU - Symposium Of University Research and Creative Expression (SOURCE): Analysis of Earthquake Hazards in Eastern Ellensburg

Analysis of Earthquake Hazards in Eastern Ellensburg

Document Type

Oral Presentation

Campus where you would like to present

SURC Ballroom B/C/D

Start Date


End Date



Mitigation, Earthquakes, Geology


This research served to gather and analyze data relating to the seismic hazards in eastern Ellensburg, the area from North Chestnut Street to the city limits, and University Way to the Kittitas Highway, and develop strategies to mitigate those hazards. The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Rapid Visual Screening process was used to gather data on buildings in the area such as the fairground structures, high school, and faith centers. Research of existing literature was conducted to determine the underlying risks, including liquefaction, and a survey of residents was conducted assessing risk perception and emergency preparedness. The Ellensburg Annex to the Kittitas County Hazard Mitigation Plan was analyzed and suggestions were made for additions at the next revision. Research showed eastern Ellensburg to have varying liquefaction risk, though most of the buildings in the area were wood frame houses. These homes are not easily affected by liquefaction and are at relatively low risk for damage in an earthquake. Specific mitigation strategies included determining community gathering areas, such as Ellensburg High School, and sending information about emergency preparedness, including making emergency kits and reinforcing weak parts of houses (e.g., chimneys), to residents through utility bills. High-priority targets for further mitigation strategy development were identified, including the trailer park between Alder and University and Bloom Pavilion in the Kittias County Fairgrounds.

Poster Number


Faculty Mentor(s)

Anne Egger, Tim Melbourne, Pamela McMullin-Messier



Additional Mentoring Department

Geological Sciences

Additional Mentoring Department

Geological Sciences

Additional Mentoring Department


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May 21st, 8:30 AM May 21st, 11:00 AM

Analysis of Earthquake Hazards in Eastern Ellensburg

SURC Ballroom B/C/D

This research served to gather and analyze data relating to the seismic hazards in eastern Ellensburg, the area from North Chestnut Street to the city limits, and University Way to the Kittitas Highway, and develop strategies to mitigate those hazards. The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Rapid Visual Screening process was used to gather data on buildings in the area such as the fairground structures, high school, and faith centers. Research of existing literature was conducted to determine the underlying risks, including liquefaction, and a survey of residents was conducted assessing risk perception and emergency preparedness. The Ellensburg Annex to the Kittitas County Hazard Mitigation Plan was analyzed and suggestions were made for additions at the next revision. Research showed eastern Ellensburg to have varying liquefaction risk, though most of the buildings in the area were wood frame houses. These homes are not easily affected by liquefaction and are at relatively low risk for damage in an earthquake. Specific mitigation strategies included determining community gathering areas, such as Ellensburg High School, and sending information about emergency preparedness, including making emergency kits and reinforcing weak parts of houses (e.g., chimneys), to residents through utility bills. High-priority targets for further mitigation strategy development were identified, including the trailer park between Alder and University and Bloom Pavilion in the Kittias County Fairgrounds.