ScholarWorks@CWU - Symposium Of University Research and Creative Expression (SOURCE): Getting to Know Altmetrics

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Altmetrics, Bibliometrics, Citation analysis, Cybermetrics, Informetrics, Scientometrics, Webometrics


Question: How will citation metrics help advance your career and understand the scholars in your field?

Rationale: In this presentation, learn about the statistics that are tracked electronically, which scholarship resources are included, and who is doing the tracking; how citation statistics can help you land your dream job or assist in helping you land your dream employee. The numbers are in, and you'll be surprised how your research publications are being measured. Find out how your scholarship can affect your lifetime career.

In the past, the evaluation of academic publications by librarians and information professionals used re-shelving statistics in order to examine the value of scholarly materials, however, this was not useful for individual journal articles. Due to the electronic age, now full-text downloads and electronic accesses are the data that can track the use and readership of a scholar's work. How is this important? These new methods of tracking the readership usage of scholarship materials is referred to as Alternative Metrics, or Altmetrics. Specific publishers are tracking the metrics to showcase the strong scholar. How will you stand out? Who are the strong academic writers in your subject area?


Brooks Library


Jun 7th, 12:00 AM Dec 31st, 12:00 AM

Getting to Know Altmetrics


Question: How will citation metrics help advance your career and understand the scholars in your field?

Rationale: In this presentation, learn about the statistics that are tracked electronically, which scholarship resources are included, and who is doing the tracking; how citation statistics can help you land your dream job or assist in helping you land your dream employee. The numbers are in, and you'll be surprised how your research publications are being measured. Find out how your scholarship can affect your lifetime career.

In the past, the evaluation of academic publications by librarians and information professionals used re-shelving statistics in order to examine the value of scholarly materials, however, this was not useful for individual journal articles. Due to the electronic age, now full-text downloads and electronic accesses are the data that can track the use and readership of a scholar's work. How is this important? These new methods of tracking the readership usage of scholarship materials is referred to as Alternative Metrics, or Altmetrics. Specific publishers are tracking the metrics to showcase the strong scholar. How will you stand out? Who are the strong academic writers in your subject area?