What’s the Context? An Analysis of New Orleans, the City of Contradictions

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Oral Presentation

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The Cross-Cultural Leadership Program (CCLP) is about giving students the opportunity to immerse themselves in different cultures and leadership styles from around the world and reflect on how they relate to one another. This year, we went to New Orleans, Louisiana. New Orleans is known for its music, Mardi Gras, culture, history and the adversity faced post Hurricane Katrina. During our immersion trip, we prioritized gaining as much information as we could from local citizens, leaders, professionals and government officials to increase our own cultural competency. One example would be our service project with the Trinity Community Center (TCC). At the TCC, we got the opportunity to gain cultural insight from leaders within the community. We were able to follow them on a tour throughout neighborhoods which shined light on the plight of living within the suburbs of New Orleans. During the same tour, we also got to converse and meet with many local residents and learn about their different experiences which inspired our presentation’s title and focus. The title of our SOURCE presentation is, “What’s the Context? An Analysis of New Orleans, the City of Contradictions”. The focus will be how the different, sometimes conflicting, ideals of leaders within New Orleans were able to respond to crisis in a unified way. Through our experiences, we analyzed three main leadership traits that every community member displayed: Unity, Resilience, and Perspective. Our project will show how these leadership characteristics were utilized and ultimately, inspired others to spearhead change around them.

Faculty Mentor(s)

James Barnett


Leadership Studies


May 16th, 2:00 PM May 16th, 3:00 PM

What’s the Context? An Analysis of New Orleans, the City of Contradictions


The Cross-Cultural Leadership Program (CCLP) is about giving students the opportunity to immerse themselves in different cultures and leadership styles from around the world and reflect on how they relate to one another. This year, we went to New Orleans, Louisiana. New Orleans is known for its music, Mardi Gras, culture, history and the adversity faced post Hurricane Katrina. During our immersion trip, we prioritized gaining as much information as we could from local citizens, leaders, professionals and government officials to increase our own cultural competency. One example would be our service project with the Trinity Community Center (TCC). At the TCC, we got the opportunity to gain cultural insight from leaders within the community. We were able to follow them on a tour throughout neighborhoods which shined light on the plight of living within the suburbs of New Orleans. During the same tour, we also got to converse and meet with many local residents and learn about their different experiences which inspired our presentation’s title and focus. The title of our SOURCE presentation is, “What’s the Context? An Analysis of New Orleans, the City of Contradictions”. The focus will be how the different, sometimes conflicting, ideals of leaders within New Orleans were able to respond to crisis in a unified way. Through our experiences, we analyzed three main leadership traits that every community member displayed: Unity, Resilience, and Perspective. Our project will show how these leadership characteristics were utilized and ultimately, inspired others to spearhead change around them.
