Central Connect

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Oral Presentation

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In the recent years, voice enabled devices became more of a norm in people’s lives. These devices (like Apple’s Siri, Google assistant, Amazon Alexa, and many more) have the primary use to make people’s lives easier and perform tasks for the user. Nowadays, about 40% of all internet users have access to one of these assistants. While these devices become much more common, students at CWU have not had a way to access school related information by just asking for it. For this reason, we propose an Amazon Alexa skill that can be used by CWU students with Amazon Alexa devices. All the student has to do, is tell Alexa to “Open Central Connect”, and Alexa will be ready to answer CWU related questions. Possible questions include building hours, club descriptions, sport event times, assignments that are due, classes the student is taking, and more. In addition, the skill requires student authentication for tasks that use personally identifiable information (PII), in order to keep their private information secure from being accessed. The skill was developed using Amazon Web Services (AWS) as the backend, utilizing serverless functions, database management, API access, and custom API creation; all implemented onto the cloud. The goal of this skill is to make the life of students in the dorm easier, allowing them easy access to CWU information. This project was mentored and supervised by Bob Rapp and Dr Szilard VAJDA and created for Andreas Bohman and University Housing.

Faculty Mentor(s)

Szilard Vajda


Computer Sciences

Additional Mentoring Department



May 18th, 12:00 PM

Central Connect


In the recent years, voice enabled devices became more of a norm in people’s lives. These devices (like Apple’s Siri, Google assistant, Amazon Alexa, and many more) have the primary use to make people’s lives easier and perform tasks for the user. Nowadays, about 40% of all internet users have access to one of these assistants. While these devices become much more common, students at CWU have not had a way to access school related information by just asking for it. For this reason, we propose an Amazon Alexa skill that can be used by CWU students with Amazon Alexa devices. All the student has to do, is tell Alexa to “Open Central Connect”, and Alexa will be ready to answer CWU related questions. Possible questions include building hours, club descriptions, sport event times, assignments that are due, classes the student is taking, and more. In addition, the skill requires student authentication for tasks that use personally identifiable information (PII), in order to keep their private information secure from being accessed. The skill was developed using Amazon Web Services (AWS) as the backend, utilizing serverless functions, database management, API access, and custom API creation; all implemented onto the cloud. The goal of this skill is to make the life of students in the dorm easier, allowing them easy access to CWU information. This project was mentored and supervised by Bob Rapp and Dr Szilard VAJDA and created for Andreas Bohman and University Housing.
