Motivations for Educators Who Apply and Work for Informal Learning Institutions

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Joanne Park

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Oral Presentation

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This mixed methods study investigated the motivating factors for educators to work and apply at an informal learning institution and also examined shared characteristics of these individuals. The investigation was situated at the conservation engagement department at the Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium (PDZA). Data was collected through onlin e su rveys that were sent to both current and former conservation engagement interpreters. Responses were quantified and analyzed by looking for emerging codes. Many respondents were former interpreters, majored in science, and had a bachelor's degree. Most of the respondents enjoyed interacting with visitors and perceived their role at PDZA as an educator. They also appreciated the team atmosphere as they enjoyed working with like-minded individuals within their own community of practice. PDZA and other informal learning institutions can utilize this data to improve team-building and training, offer professional development opportunities, and improve collaboration between departments to ensure retention of dedicated and knowledgeable staff.


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May 16th, 12:00 PM May 29th, 12:00 PM

Motivations for Educators Who Apply and Work for Informal Learning Institutions


This mixed methods study investigated the motivating factors for educators to work and apply at an informal learning institution and also examined shared characteristics of these individuals. The investigation was situated at the conservation engagement department at the Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium (PDZA). Data was collected through onlin e su rveys that were sent to both current and former conservation engagement interpreters. Responses were quantified and analyzed by looking for emerging codes. Many respondents were former interpreters, majored in science, and had a bachelor's degree. Most of the respondents enjoyed interacting with visitors and perceived their role at PDZA as an educator. They also appreciated the team atmosphere as they enjoyed working with like-minded individuals within their own community of practice. PDZA and other informal learning institutions can utilize this data to improve team-building and training, offer professional development opportunities, and improve collaboration between departments to ensure retention of dedicated and knowledgeable staff.