Lookism and Education

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Lookism, Education, Korea


This presentation is research inspired by the Korean drama “My ID is Gangnam Beauty”. The focus of the drama is mainly on lookism and how it impacts each character individually as well as a collective. Although this is in a college setting the importance of education is not shown which was the inspiration for this research. Education is known to be very competitive but, in the drama, lookism overshadowed this aspect. This social research is meant to compare the impact of lookism and education fever with a focus on how they both impact the search for jobs in modern society.

Faculty Mentor(s)

Chong Eun Ahn


Liberal Studies

Additional Mentoring Department

Asian Studies

Additional Mentoring Department

AKS Korean Studies Scholarship

Streaming Media


May 16th, 12:00 AM May 16th, 12:00 AM

Lookism and Education

This presentation is research inspired by the Korean drama “My ID is Gangnam Beauty”. The focus of the drama is mainly on lookism and how it impacts each character individually as well as a collective. Although this is in a college setting the importance of education is not shown which was the inspiration for this research. Education is known to be very competitive but, in the drama, lookism overshadowed this aspect. This social research is meant to compare the impact of lookism and education fever with a focus on how they both impact the search for jobs in modern society.
