
School Libraries and Increased Student Achievement: What's the Big Idea?

Document Type


Department or Administrative Unit

Center for Teaching and Learning

Publication Date

Spring 2007


The purpose of this paper was to develop a library curriculum plan for elementary students that would enhance, support, and deepen student learning of information skills. Within this context, the purpose was to answer the following questions: What are the learning outcomes in information skills for a library program? In what measurable way does a teacher librarian enable students to go beyond the amassing of facts to the investigation of those facts and to develop deep knowledge? (Kenney, 2006). Lastly, how does a library program insure that all students are increasing their information skills and understandings? The process of curriculum design for elementary school information literacy skills was studied. Studies supporting the connection between a quality school library program and increased student achievement were examined for positive characteristics to be implemented into a library program. Also, state standards in reading, technology, and information skills were analyzed for integration into the design.


This article was originally published in Education.

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