Document Type

Undergraduate Project

Date of Degree Completion

Spring 2017

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science


Engineering Technology

Committee Chair

Charles Pringle

Second Committee Member

Roger Beardsley

Third Committee Member

Craig Johnson


A senior in the Mechanical Engineering Technology Department at Central Washington University made it her goal to have her culminating project be something that benefits people in need. Having a fascination in prosthetics, it became the main focus of her project. As children suffer the most in technological advancement of medical devices, the focus group of the project became young girls between the ages 9 and 14.

E-NABLE is a non-profit organization that is a leader in helping young children get access to body-powered prosthetics for relatively cheap. Some of the designs were made for simplicity in functionality, thus the focus of the project was to expand on the capabilities the prosthetic devices offered. Their most popular design, the Raptor Reloaded, was selected for modification. The design as it currently stands, has a hinged-joint wrist design, which limits rotational motion of the wrist. Thus, the goal of this project was to re-design their prosthetic to include rotational motion without sacrificing grip strength, while also increasing mounting adaptability to varying types of arm sizes. This means modifying the gauntlet and palm joint to be a ball and socket rather than hinged-joint. Success of this project is measured by movement in 3 axis planes, grip strength, and attachment to different children’s arms
