Document Type


Date of Degree Completion

Summer 2016


Mechanical Engineering Technology

Committee Chair

Charles Pringle

Second Committee Member

Roger Beardsley

Third Committee Member

Dr. Craig Johnson


This project represents a new way to carry multiple ATVS on a truck without having to tow a trailer behind the truck. There are two ATV racks involved, one sits in the bed of the truck and will hold two ATV’s that are parallel with the truck. The second rack (new rack) attached to the first rack resting on and overhanging the open tailgate. The third ATV sits perpendicular to the truck. The rack extension has critical requirements like weight, load, and dimensional sizing. Analysis was conducted to ensure that the pins that connect the two racks would withstand the loads created by the ATV and moving vehicle and must be securely attached to the old rack while resisting the forces at highway speeds. The new rack was manufactured out of 1.25 by 1.25 inch square tubing of steel. Testing of this project has proven that the amount of weight being applied to the rack will be within the limitations that were calculated by using section of methods and calculated the amount of stress being applied to the rack. It has also shown that the deflection is less than an inch of movement downwards as well. Meeting these specific requirements, this project is a new, safe, inventive way to carry three ATV’s on a truck without having to tow a trailer.

Keywords: Engineering, ATV Rack, Quads


Senior Project Web Page:
